J15 網路功課 Arthur Christmas
1. Who is Arthur?
2. Where does Arthur live?
3. 小矮人一開始遮住鏡頭說了前三句話?
a.Go ...
B.There's ...
C.That's ..
4. 最後小矮人用什麼動物引開鏡頭?
5. 片尾説: Definitely, no.... 請寫出完整句子.
請在留言處回答,請寫題號. 以及名字
How I fell in love with a fish
textured [ˋtɛkstʃɚd] 特定結構 sustainability [sə͵stenəˋbɪlɪtɪ] 持續性
tunas [ˋtunə] 鮪魚 halibut [ˋhæləbət] 鱈魚salmonˋsæmən]鮭魚 swordfish [ˋsord͵fɪʃ]旗魚
collapse[kəˋlæps]倒塌. aquaculture [ˋækwə͵kʌltʃɚ] 水產養殖
inefficient [ɪnəˋfɪʃənt] 無效率 conversion [kənˋvɝʃən]轉化
distributed[dɪˋstrɪbjutɪd]分散 concentrated [ˋkɑnsɛn͵tretɪd] 集中
proteins [ˋprotiɪn] 蛋白質 algaes [ˋælgə] 藻類chicken pellets[ˋpɛlɪt] 丸
processed [ˋprɑsɛs] 過程 foodie [fudɪ]美食家. swear [swɛr] 發誓
journalist [ˋdʒɝnəlɪst]媒體人 shimmering [ˋʃɪmɚ]閃閃發光,
biologist [baɪˋɑlədʒɪst]生物學家
Argentinians [ˋɑrdʒən͵tin]阿根廷人. essentially [ɪˋsɛnʃəlɪ] 基本上
draining [dren] 排出intricate [ˋɪntrəkɪt]錯綜複雜 canals [kəˋnæl] 運河. ecologically [ɪkəˋlɑdʒɪk!ɪ]生態上, disaster [dɪˋzæstɚ]災害.
conscience [ˋkɑnʃəns]良心 reversed [rɪˋvɝst] 反轉literally [ˋlɪtərəlɪ] 正確的flipped [flɪp]翻轉 bass [ˋbes]鱸魚, mullet [ˋmʌlɪt]鯡魚, eel [il]鰻魚process [ˋprɑsɛs]過程,
incredible [ɪnˋkrɛdəb!]不可思議 horizon [həˋraɪzn]地平線marshland[ˋmɑrʃ͵lænd]沼澤地.
slogging [slɑg]猛急phytoplankton[ˋfaɪto͵plæŋktən]浮游生物.
aquatic [əˋkwætɪk]水生swooning [swun]昏倒
zooplankton [͵zoəˋplæŋktən]浮游動物
flamingos [fləˋmɪŋgo] 火鶴
sanctuaries [ˋsæŋktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ]聖地
extensively [ɪkˋstɛnsɪvlɪ]廣範, intensively [ɪnˋtɛnsɪvlɪ]集中.
brood [brud]養育 Quoted [kwot]引號
seared [sɪr]燒烤 acrid [ˋækrɪd]苦的, tar [tɑr] 焦油 sponge [spʌndʒ]海棉.
evolved [ɪˋvɑlv]展開
我一生中接觸過很多魚, 只有兩種是我的最愛。 第一種, 是一種熱烈的情感, 那條美麗的魚, 美味、紋理、肉質都是一等, 是菜單上最暢銷的菜, 多麼棒的魚呀! (笑聲) 更好的是, 它是由人工養殖場,所培育出可持續提供的 最高標準的魚, 賣牠的人也會感到安心。
我曾經沉醉於這美麗的關係中, 大概維持了幾個月。 有一天,這個公司的高層打電話給我, 希望我能針對這個養殖場持續提供漁源, 發表一場演說。 我說:「當然可以。」 這個公司正是要試圖解決一個 對我們廚師來說,無法想像的問題: 如何持續供應魚類餐點?
在過去的50年中, 我們從各個海洋中捕魚, 就像是砍伐樹木, 我絕不是誇大它的破壞性。 但我們喜愛的大型魚類裡,有90%的 鮪魚,大比目魚,鮭魚,劍魚等, 他們的生態遭受重創, 幾乎沒有剩下多少了。 所以,不管是好是壞, 水產養殖業、人工漁場,都會成為我們未來的一部分。 有很多針對這個行業的爭論, 因為大部分養殖漁場都會污染環境, 而且效率很低。以鮪魚為例, 最主要的弊病是, 養殖鮪魚的飼料轉換率 是15比1, 意思是,你要用15磅的野生魚類當飼料, 才能養出1磅的養殖鮪魚。 漁場不容易經營, 魚也不好吃。
最後, 終於有一家公司想好好做事了, 我也想支持他們。 就在那次活動的前一天, 我聯繫了公司的公關部門負責人, 就讓我們暫且稱呼他為“唐”吧... 我說:“唐閣下,是這樣的,你們的人工養殖漁場 最有名之處就是設置在遠洋,而且不會產生污染。" 他回應:“你說的對。我們作業的地點很遠, 我們漁場所產生的污染物都被稀釋掉了, 不會集中殘留在一個地方。" 然後他補充, “那是我們自己的漁場, 飼料轉換率?2.5比1,” 他說。 “業界中最好的。” 2.5比 1,很好 “2.5比什麼呢?你們餵什麼?”他回答道: “可持續性蛋白質。” “很好。”然後我們掛了電話。 結果那晚, 我躺在床上想: 可持續性蛋白質是什麼鬼東西呀? (笑聲)
所以第二天,就在那個活動之前,我打電話給唐, 我問道:"唐閣下,可持續性蛋白質大概是什麼東西啊?" 他說他不知道,他會去問問周圍的人。 然後,我和這個公司裡的一些人通了電話, 但是沒有人能給我一個明確的答案。 直到最後, 我和他們的首席生物學家 通上了電話。 讓我也暫且叫他“唐"... (笑聲) 我說:"唐," 你能否舉例說明一下,可持續性蛋白質是些什麼東西嗎?" 然後,他提到一些藻類, 還有一些魚肉, 然後他提到雞肉丸, 我說:“雞肉丸?“ 他說:「是的,羽毛、雞皮、 骨頭、剩料等, 被曬乾加工後做成飼料。” 我說:“雞在你們的飼料中 所占的比例是多少?” 你知道,我心裡想大概是2%吧。 結果他說:“嗯,大概佔30%,” 我說,“唐閣下,用雞餵魚, 這算什麼可持續性?” (笑聲) 電話的那邊安靜了很長時間, 然後他說,“世界上的雞真的太多了。” (笑聲)
於是,我不再愛這魚了。 (笑聲) 不,不是因為我是個自以為正直的 偽善美食家, 其實我是這樣的人沒錯。 (笑聲) 不,我不再愛這個魚了,是因為,我向上帝發誓, 在那次對話之後,那個魚嚐起來有雞的味道。 (笑聲)
這第二條魚, 它是另一種不同的愛情故事, 是很浪漫的那種, 你愈了解那種魚, 你就會愈愛牠。 我第一次是在西班牙南部的一個餐廳, 吃到這種魚。 有一個記者朋友已經和我提到這種魚很多次了, 她可以說是媒人。 (笑聲) 一條白色、 鮮亮透光的魚被端上桌來, 廚師煮得太熟了, 熟過頭二倍之多, 但神奇的是,它還是很好吃。
誰可以做出這樣好吃的魚, 而且還是煮過頭的魚? 我不能, 但這位廚師可以。 讓我們叫他米格爾, 其實他的名字就是米格爾。 (笑聲) 但是,他不是煮魚的人,他也不是個廚師, 至少他不是你我認知的那種廚師, 他是在薇塔拉帕爾馬的 一個生物學家。 薇塔拉帕爾馬是位於西班牙西南角的養殖漁場, 就在高達爾克維爾河的末端。 直到1980年代, 這個漁場還是由阿根廷人管轄, 他們在這裡養牛, 因為這裡原本是濕地。 當時他們把水抽走, 然後建造了錯綜複雜的運河, 他們接著把這裡的水排入河流。 但是,他們沒有成功, 我是指經濟方面; 在環境方面,則造成了巨大的災難, 差不多90%的鳥類都消失了, 原本這裡的鳥類是很多的。 到了1982年, 一家具有環保意識的的西班牙公司, 購買了這塊地。
他們做了什麼? 他們逆轉了水流的方向, 翻轉了開關, 把原本設計要排水的渠道, 反過來把水引進來, 用水填滿了這些運河, 然後建立了一個2萬7千英畝的漁場, 裡頭有鱸魚、梭魚、 蝦、鰻魚等。 在這個過程中,米格爾和這個公司 挽救了這次生態災難。 這個漁場真的很棒! 我的意思是說,你從沒見過類似這樣的地方, 當你凝視著一萬英哩之外 廣闊的地平線, 你眼前盡是充滿水的運河, 還有富饒的沼澤溼地。
不久前,我和米格爾去過那兒, 他是個了不起的人, ¾是達爾文,¼是鱷魚先生鄧迪。 (笑聲) 我們步履艱難地進入了濕地, 我是氣喘吁吁加汗流浹背,淤泥淹到了我的膝蓋, 米格爾則是平心靜氣地對我說著他的生物學。 他一下指著一隻罕見的黑肩鳶, 一下又提到可以滿足礦物質需求的浮游植物, 接著他又看到一組圖案, 讓他聯想起坦桑尼亞的長頸鹿。
原來,米格爾曾經花了很長時間, 在非洲的米庫米國家公園工作。 我問他是怎麼成為 一位魚類專家的, 他說: “魚?我不了解牠們, 我只是一個生態關係專家。” 然後他談起了更多 關於稀有鳥類和藻類, 還有特殊的水生植物。 請不要誤解,那樣的談話真的很吸引人, 他說的生態社群這一類的事情, 都很好, 但是我心另有所屬, 我腦中始終惦記著那條 我前一晚品嚐過,被煮過頭的美味的魚。 所以我打斷他,我說: "米格爾,你的魚為什麼那麼好吃?" 他指向藻類, “我知道, 兄弟,藻類、浮游植物、 生態關係,這些都很神奇, 但是你餵魚吃什麼? 飼料轉換率是多少?” 然後,他繼續告訴我, 這是一個很富饒的系統, 這些魚吃的就是它們在野外吃的東西 植物、浮游植物、 浮游生物等,都是魚的飼料。 這個系統非常健康, 會進行自我更新, 不需要任何飼料。 有聽說過哪一個農場不需要餵動物飼料的嗎?
那天稍晚時,我和米格爾開著車在附近兜風, 我問他,“像這樣一個自然的地方, 不像其它任何一個我曾經見過的農場, 你如何衡量成功?" 就在那時, 彷彿有一位電影導演突然要求改變場景, 我們轉過彎, 看到最美的畫面, 成千上萬的粉紅色火鶴, 就像一張粉紅色的地毯舖向遙遠的盡頭。 他說,“那就是成功。 看看他們的腹部,粉紅色的, 他們正在享受盛宴。“ 盛宴?我不知道他在說什麼。 我說,“米格爾,他們的盛宴不正是你的魚嗎?” (笑聲)
“正是," 他說, (笑聲) “鳥類會吃掉我們20%的魚, 還有魚卵, 而且,去年這個漁場裡 有60萬隻鳥, 有超過250種不同的種類。 今天,這裡已經成為全歐洲 最大且最重要的 私人鳥類自然保護區之一。" 我說,“米格爾,在養殖漁場裡, 不是最不想見到這麼多鳥嗎?” (笑聲) “不“,他搖搖頭, 他說,“我們養殖很多生物, 不是集中養殖某一種。 這是一個生態網絡, 這些火鶴吃掉蝦子, 蝦子吃浮游動物; 所以他們的腹部愈粉紅, 就代表這個生態越好。"
好的,讓我們重新審視一下, 這個農場不需要餵食動物, 它衡量成功的方式 是根據它的掠食者的健康狀態。 一個漁場,同時也是個鳥類庇護所, 喔,而且那些火鶴, 他們原先就不應該出現在那裡, 牠們的窩巢是在 240公里外的地方, 那裡的土壤狀況 較適合築巢, 他們每天早上 都要飛行240公里來到這個漁場, 到了晚上,再飛行240公里回家。 (笑聲) 因為他們這樣才能 順著A92號 高速公路的白線飛... (笑聲) 這不是開玩笑。
我一直在腦海中想像類似企鵝行進的事, 我看著米格爾, 我說,“米格爾,它們飛行240公里 來到漁場, 然後它們晚上 再飛240公里回去嗎? 它們這麼做是為了孩子嗎?" 他看著我就像是我剛剛引用了惠特尼休斯頓的歌, (笑聲) 他說,“不,他們這麼做是因為這裡的食物更好。” (笑聲)
我還沒有提到我最愛的魚的皮吧? 真的是很美味,但我以前不喜歡魚皮, 我不喜歡烤的,也不喜歡脆的, 魚皮有腥味,像柏油的味道, 我從不把它和魚一起烹煮。 但是,當我在西班牙南部的那個餐館嚐到它的時候, 嚐起來一點都不像是魚皮, 它嚐起來微甜而且乾淨, 就像你嚐了一口海洋自然的味道一樣。 我向米格爾提到我的想法,他點點頭, 他說,“魚皮的作用就像是海綿, 它是阻止物質進入到體內的最後的防線, 它的作用是吸收雜質," 他繼續說, “但是我們的水沒有雜質。”
好的。這個漁場不需要餵養它的魚, 它衡量成功的方式, 是看它的掠食者是否成功生存。 然後我發現,當他說 這個漁場沒有雜質時, 他說得其實太保守了, 因為在漁場中流過的水, 是來自高達爾克維爾河, 那條河中含有 現在所有的河流都有的成份, 像是化學污染物及 農藥等, 當河水進入這個系統, 之後再離開時, 水質會變得比來時更乾淨。 這個系統很健康,它可以過濾水, 所以,這個漁場不只是不餵食動物, 也不只是根據掠食者的健康狀況 來衡量它的成功, 它還是一個污水淨化廠, 不只是為那些魚淨化水質, 更是為了你和我。 因為當水離開這裡時,它會流入大西洋, 雖然我知道那是滄海一粟, 但是我很重視它,而且你們也應該重視, 因為這個愛的故事, 不但浪漫, 而且有教育意義。 你也許會說它是 未來美食的食譜, 不管我們是在說鱸魚還是牛肉,
我們現在需要的是, 一個全新的農業概念, 能夠培養出真正美食的農業概念。 (笑聲) (掌聲) 但是對很多人來說, 這有點激進。 我們美食家不是現實主義者, 我們是美食愛好者。 我們愛農夫們自己籌組的市場, 我們愛小型的家庭農場, 我們談論本地的食物, 我們吃有機食品。 而當你提到這樣做 才能保證未來有美好的食物時, 某個地方的某人就會站起來說, "嘿,我愛粉紅色的火鶴, 但是你打算怎麼填飽世人的肚子?" 怎麼填飽世人的肚子?
我可以坦白的說嗎? 我不喜歡你的問題, 不,不是因為我們已經生產了 遠遠超出我們這個世界需要的卡路里, 而今天仍有十億人在餓著肚子。 十億--史上最多的人數, 根本原因在於總體上的分配不平衡, 不是數量多寡的問題。 我不喜歡這個問題,是因為他假定了一個 存在於過去五十年的食物系統的邏輯,
就是把穀物餵給食草動物, 在單一品種作物上施打農藥,在土壤上灑化學藥劑, 拿鷄餵魚... 然後各類農業開發企業 就會問: “如果我們用更便宜的方法養活更多的人, 有什麼不對的呢?” 這就是動機, 也是合理的藉口, 這已經成了美國農業的 營運計畫。 我們應該為它正名, 這是快要倒閉的生意, 這種生意快速地侵蝕了我們的 生態資本,只為了大量生產。 那不是生意, 也不是農業。
今日我們的存糧正受到嚴重威脅, 不是因為供給的遞減, 而是因為資源的遞減。 存糧的增加不能只靠最新發明的收割機與拖拉機, 而是要有肥沃的土壤; 不能只靠幫浦,而是要有新鮮的水源; 不能只靠電鋸,而是要有森林; 不能只靠漁船和漁網,而是要有魚在海裡游。
怎麼填飽世人的肚子? 我們該先問:怎麼填飽自己的肚子? 或者更進一步問,怎麼建立一種環境, 可以讓每一個物種 養活自己? (掌聲) 要做到那樣, 就不要指望未來還沿用現在的農業模型, 它已經過時了,而且很疲乏了, 它過度依賴資金、化學和機械, 而且它生產不出來真正好的食物。 相反的,讓我們看看生態系統, 這個系統已經實地演練過 20億年了。
看看米格爾, 像米格爾這樣的農民, 他們的農場不是只屬於自己, 他們能自我恢復,而不單只是消耗資源而已; 他們養殖很多物種, 而不是集中養殖單一物種; 農民不再只是生產者, 而是生態關係專家, 因為他們同時也是 美味的專家。 如果要我說實話, 他們是比我更好的廚師。 我可以接受他們比我優秀, 因為如果未來的優質食物是如此,那肯定是非常美味的。
謝謝大家。 (掌聲)
英文字幕 for Shelly
I didn't mention the skin of my beloved fish, which was delicious -- and I don't like fish skin; I don't like it seared, I don't like it crispy. It's that acrid, tar-like flavor. I almost never cook with it. Yet, when I tasted it at that restaurant in southern Spain, it tasted not at all like fish skin. It tasted sweet and clean, like you were taking a bite of the ocean. I mentioned that to Miguel, and he nodded. He said, "The skin acts like a sponge. It's the last defense before anything enters the body. It evolved to soak up impurities." And then he added, "But our water has no impurities."
Mark Chang 張嘉倫 Toy Designer
Teresa Teng dolls set to become collector items
Singer Teresa Teng gets the Japanese doll treatment for an exhibition in Taipei
By Tracy You & Robert Michael Poole 28 January, 2011
Grab your own Teresa Teng doll before it's too late, and too expensive.
Fans of singer Teresa Teng around Asia now have a new souvenir to seek out -- other than more compilations -– a set of three souvenir dolls designed by Taiwanese multimedia designer Mark Chang.
Dressed up in a range of beautiful gowns, for which she was famous, Chinanews.com reports that only 36 sets of these dolls are on sale worldwide.
The Japan-inspired creations are currently on show in Taipei.
Collector's items
Each set costs 50,000 new Taiwan dollars and are likely to generate heat among collectors (i.e soon to be found on eBay for much more).
Mark Chang chose the three costumes that best represent Teng’s images on and off stage: qipao, military suit and an elegant stage costume.
“At the beginning, [I] wanted to make the dolls look like the cute girls from Japanese cartoons, but maybe that's not what [her fans would] want. However, it’s also not necessary to make them too realistic,” Chang told Want Daily.
The Teresa Teng dolls can be purchased online at Au. Dot.
An exhibition named “The Sweet Memory for Tomorrow” is also taking place at Aurum Glory Art Space in Taipei till January 30, in which the dolls are showcased to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Teresa Tengs' death.
Read more: Teresa Teng dolls set to become collector items | CNNGo.com http://www.cnngo.com/tokyo/visit/teresa-teng-dolls-set-become-collectors-items-631303#ixzz1dyaMxZY5
Singer Teresa Teng gets the Japanese doll treatment for an exhibition in Taipei
By Tracy You & Robert Michael Poole 28 January, 2011
Grab your own Teresa Teng doll before it's too late, and too expensive.
Fans of singer Teresa Teng around Asia now have a new souvenir to seek out -- other than more compilations -– a set of three souvenir dolls designed by Taiwanese multimedia designer Mark Chang.
Dressed up in a range of beautiful gowns, for which she was famous, Chinanews.com reports that only 36 sets of these dolls are on sale worldwide.
The Japan-inspired creations are currently on show in Taipei.
Collector's items
Each set costs 50,000 new Taiwan dollars and are likely to generate heat among collectors (i.e soon to be found on eBay for much more).
Mark Chang chose the three costumes that best represent Teng’s images on and off stage: qipao, military suit and an elegant stage costume.
“At the beginning, [I] wanted to make the dolls look like the cute girls from Japanese cartoons, but maybe that's not what [her fans would] want. However, it’s also not necessary to make them too realistic,” Chang told Want Daily.
The Teresa Teng dolls can be purchased online at Au. Dot.
An exhibition named “The Sweet Memory for Tomorrow” is also taking place at Aurum Glory Art Space in Taipei till January 30, in which the dolls are showcased to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Teresa Tengs' death.
Read more: Teresa Teng dolls set to become collector items | CNNGo.com http://www.cnngo.com/tokyo/visit/teresa-teng-dolls-set-become-collectors-items-631303#ixzz1dyaMxZY5
10/15 S15 聽寫練習 The nickname for New York City
本網站需要登入, 你只要有email 就可以免費登入 請先登入 並且把做完的成績印出
本網站需要登入, 你只要有email 就可以免費登入 請先登入 並且把做完的成績印出
10/8 cClass S15 Introducing Taipei Boutique Street
請在下面的選項中選出你要介紹的區域,並留言告訴我你要的是那一個, 下週上課時依據你所選的地區打出圖面介紹
1. 台北西門町
2. 台中精明一街
3. 高雄崛江
4. 高雄三多
1. 台北西門町
2. 台中精明一街
3. 高雄崛江
4. 高雄三多
S15 - 9/24網路功課Cell Phone Novel
請在下面的連結中選一篇文章做大意報告,最後要加上字己的意見 請準備口頭報告(超過 1 min.)
Today, I am going to talk about cell phone novel. There is an article on .... on the web. The title of the article is ....., In the article, it says ......
From this article, we know .....
I think cell phone novel ......
Thank you.
一篇文章最多可以有4個人選,所以請在留言處留下你要報告那一篇, 以前四個為主.超過的要選別篇.
1. Japanese Teenager wrote a novel on her cell phone http://www.techstartups.com/2010/02/11/japanese-teenager-wrote-novel-on-her-cell-phone-now-is-half-a-million-dollars-richer/
2.The first cell phone novel http://www.historyofinformation.com/index.php?id=2705
3.Will cell phone novel come stateside? http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/GadgetGuide/story?id=4171826&page=1
4. Cell phone novel fad in Japan. http://www.xenmobile.com/cell-phone-novel-fad-in-japan/
5. Cell phone novel http://www.enotes.com/topic/Cell_phone_novel
6. I love novel http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/12/22/081222fa_fact_goodyear?currentPage=1#ixzz0avI5gG0d
Today, I am going to talk about cell phone novel. There is an article on .... on the web. The title of the article is ....., In the article, it says ......
From this article, we know .....
I think cell phone novel ......
Thank you.
一篇文章最多可以有4個人選,所以請在留言處留下你要報告那一篇, 以前四個為主.超過的要選別篇.
1. Japanese Teenager wrote a novel on her cell phone http://www.techstartups.com/2010/02/11/japanese-teenager-wrote-novel-on-her-cell-phone-now-is-half-a-million-dollars-richer/
2.The first cell phone novel http://www.historyofinformation.com/index.php?id=2705
3.Will cell phone novel come stateside? http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/GadgetGuide/story?id=4171826&page=1
4. Cell phone novel fad in Japan. http://www.xenmobile.com/cell-phone-novel-fad-in-japan/
5. Cell phone novel http://www.enotes.com/topic/Cell_phone_novel
6. I love novel http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/12/22/081222fa_fact_goodyear?currentPage=1#ixzz0avI5gG0d
S15 班 9/10上課口頭報告資料 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
英國Banksy 是有名的塗鴉藝術家, 他的作品常帶有諷刺世人以及政治的意味. 但又帶一些溫暖, 請欣賞部份作品:
Graffit is a kind of art. Some may think it is not art but a kind of crime. In my oponion, graffiti is xxxx
I will take this picture as a example.
In this picture, it is graffiti on a broken wall. At its bottom, there is a rat. The rat is poring some paint on the street. There is even some paint on the floor. ...
Such graffifi is realty .....
I don't like the graffiti.
請在留言中寫上你所選的圖是那一幅? banksy 的第xxx. 或是 其它第xxx幅. 我才能先準備你的圖,
英國Banksy 是有名的塗鴉藝術家, 他的作品常帶有諷刺世人以及政治的意味. 但又帶一些溫暖, 請欣賞部份作品:
Banksy 其他作品連結: http://beardude.com/801
Graffit is a kind of art. Some may think it is not art but a kind of crime. In my oponion, graffiti is xxxx
I will take this picture as a example.
In this picture, it is graffiti on a broken wall. At its bottom, there is a rat. The rat is poring some paint on the street. There is even some paint on the floor. ...
Such graffifi is realty .....
I don't like the graffiti.
請在留言中寫上你所選的圖是那一幅? banksy 的第xxx. 或是 其它第xxx幅. 我才能先準備你的圖,
S15 班 9/3 閱讀填空練習
將下面A-L 共12個單字中選出10個適當的字填入文章中, 請將答案以及文章大意寫在你自己的練習本上, 上課拿給我檢查.
The history of the written word goes back 6,000 years. Words express feelings, open doors into the 1 , create pictures of worlds never seen, and allow adventures never dared. Therefore, the original 2 of words, such as storytellers, poets, and singers, were respected in all cultures in the past. But now the romance is 3 . Imagination is being surpassed by the instant picture. In a triumphant march, movies, TV, videos, and DVDs are 4 storytellers and books. A visual culture is taking over the world—at the 5 of the written word. Our literacy, and with it our verbal and communication skills, are in 6 decline. The only category of novel that is 7 ground in our increasingly visual world is the graphic novel. A growing number of adults and young people worldwide are reading graphic novels, and educators are beginning to realize the power of this 8 . The graphic novel looks like a comic book, but it is longer, more sophisticated, and may come in black and white or multiple 9 and appear in many sizes. In fact, some of the most interesting, daring, and most heartbreaking art being created right now is being published in graphic novels. Graphic novels 10 the opportunity to examine the increasingly visual world of communications today while exploring serious social and literary topics. The graphic novel can be used to develop a sense of visual literacy, in much the same way that students are introduced to art appreciation.
(A) expense (B) fading (C) colors (D) research (E) replacing (F) offer (G) users (H) rapid (I) gaining (J) medium (K) circular (L) unknown
將下面A-L 共12個單字中選出10個適當的字填入文章中, 請將答案以及文章大意寫在你自己的練習本上, 上課拿給我檢查.
The history of the written word goes back 6,000 years. Words express feelings, open doors into the 1 , create pictures of worlds never seen, and allow adventures never dared. Therefore, the original 2 of words, such as storytellers, poets, and singers, were respected in all cultures in the past. But now the romance is 3 . Imagination is being surpassed by the instant picture. In a triumphant march, movies, TV, videos, and DVDs are 4 storytellers and books. A visual culture is taking over the world—at the 5 of the written word. Our literacy, and with it our verbal and communication skills, are in 6 decline. The only category of novel that is 7 ground in our increasingly visual world is the graphic novel. A growing number of adults and young people worldwide are reading graphic novels, and educators are beginning to realize the power of this 8 . The graphic novel looks like a comic book, but it is longer, more sophisticated, and may come in black and white or multiple 9 and appear in many sizes. In fact, some of the most interesting, daring, and most heartbreaking art being created right now is being published in graphic novels. Graphic novels 10 the opportunity to examine the increasingly visual world of communications today while exploring serious social and literary topics. The graphic novel can be used to develop a sense of visual literacy, in much the same way that students are introduced to art appreciation.
(A) expense (B) fading (C) colors (D) research (E) replacing (F) offer (G) users (H) rapid (I) gaining (J) medium (K) circular (L) unknown
8/13 J15 班網路功課-The Smurfs
In a land. There is a village with mysterious creature have lived for year. Until .
1. How old is papa?
2. Smurf 的話中常加上那一個字?
3. 當男主角說了那一句話, 把Smurf 嚇了一跳?
請在 "意見中留言" 並寫上名字
7/16 S15 8 secrets of success 成功的八個要點
S15 7/9 聽力練習
funeral 喪禮 flash light 手電筒 protest 抗議 plentiful 充足 distribute 分發 benched 換下場 stream 溪流 step foot 踏步
funeral 喪禮 flash light 手電筒 protest 抗議 plentiful 充足 distribute 分發 benched 換下場 stream 溪流 step foot 踏步
podcast from myaudiocast
7/2 GEPT 中級聽力測驗
請將下列聽力題的答案以英文寫在作業本上 (寫句子,不是只有ABCD) 寫完的人請在意見簽名
carving雕刻, column圓柱, handkerchief手帕 ,helmet 頭盔, fist握成拳頭, nervous緊張不安的, practical joke惡作劇, preserve保存, remote偏僻的 , victim犧牲者, wipe揩乾, weigh重量, splash潑, trace描繪, tissue紙巾, dipping浸泡
6/18 網路功課 Popper's Penguins 波特先生的企鵝
請把下面的句子 英文聽寫出來 (一格一個字)
Dear Lord
Thank you for the we are to .
Please your to the melting of polarized cap.
Could you the ? I'll get it.
I'm not to because I have pet' s .
Penguin Jazz!
I you. I you. I don't in .
Pull . Your is penguins.
I know.
請把整段文章寫在留言中, 要寫名子
6/18 網路功課(2) 藍色小精靈 The Smarfs
聽寫並完成下面句子 (一格一個字)
Prepare 1 for 2 3 , 4 5 , because 6 7 8 world 9 about 10 11 12 13 in 14 .
將完整句子寫在意見留言中 , 要寫你的名字
5/21 聽寫Small Boy Big Hero
chore (家務,雜事)
village (村莊)
rake leaves (掃落葉)
branches 樹枝
vacuum 吸塵
pen pal 筆友
adopted brother 領養兄弟
generously 慷慨的
chore (家務,雜事)
village (村莊)
rake leaves (掃落葉)
branches 樹枝
vacuum 吸塵
pen pal 筆友
adopted brother 領養兄弟
generously 慷慨的
5/7 網路功課 Angry Bird Rio
應該有玩過Angry Bird 吧!可能你的手機上就有這個遊戲.今年Angry Bird 出大螢幕版.考考你
聽不聽的懂birds talking. 請回答下列問題,並依題號寫在意見中
2.請接出下一句 She is beautiful. She's just like...
3.這隻鳥在逃出時和另一隻母嬰鵡說I can't ...
5.Rio 在哪一國?
聽不聽的懂birds talking. 請回答下列問題,並依題號寫在意見中
2.請接出下一句 She is beautiful. She's just like...
3.這隻鳥在逃出時和另一隻母嬰鵡說I can't ...
5.Rio 在哪一國?
2/26 網路功課 Rules your kids did not learn in school 學校不會教你的事

之所以被傳為是Bill Gates說的,而且又被精簡成11 Rules的原因是 第11條: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one. (nerd 是笨蛋) 也許大家都認為 用 nerd 來形容 比爾蓋茲最為恰當
Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2: The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10: Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
範例: Rule 12:Humilation is a part of life. Deal with it.受到屈辱是生活中的一部分
2011/1/29 網路功課 魔法奇緣 The Tangled.
1. 通緝犯的張貼上都會有那一個英文字?
2. 享受監獄時光 (英文)
Good Luck. Happy New Year.
1. 通緝犯的張貼上都會有那一個英文字?
2. 享受監獄時光 (英文)
Good Luck. Happy New Year.
2011-1-22 網路功課 Steve Jobs Letter
以下是 Apple 的CEO Steve Jobs 在 2011-1-17 給員工的一封信
他這次的 Medical Leave 造成Apple 公司股票在當天跌了7%
At my request, the board of directors(董事會) has granted me a medical leave of absence so I can focus on my health. I will continue as CEO and be involved in major strategic decisions for the company.
I have asked Tim Cook to be responsible for all of Apple's day to day operations. I have great confidence that Tim and the rest of the executive management team will do a terrific job executing the exciting plans we have in place for 2011.
I love Apple so much and hope to be back as soon as I can. In the meantime, my family and I would deeply appreciate respect for our privacy.
由於我的 ① , 董事會準許我 ② . 所以我可以 ③
我仍然會擔任CEO 並參與公司的 ④ .
我已要求Tim Cook ⑤ 公司的日常營運. 我有 ⑥ Tim 和其他的經理會表現 ⑦ 執行公司2011既定的 ⑧
我 ⑨ 並且希望能 ⑩ . 同時我的家人和我將會 ⑪ 對於我的隱私的 ⑫
請將答案依題號在意見中回答, (一定要寫名字喔!)
他這次的 Medical Leave 造成Apple 公司股票在當天跌了7%
At my request, the board of directors(董事會) has granted me a medical leave of absence so I can focus on my health. I will continue as CEO and be involved in major strategic decisions for the company.
I have asked Tim Cook to be responsible for all of Apple's day to day operations. I have great confidence that Tim and the rest of the executive management team will do a terrific job executing the exciting plans we have in place for 2011.
I love Apple so much and hope to be back as soon as I can. In the meantime, my family and I would deeply appreciate respect for our privacy.
由於我的 ① , 董事會準許我 ② . 所以我可以 ③
我仍然會擔任CEO 並參與公司的 ④ .
我已要求Tim Cook ⑤ 公司的日常營運. 我有 ⑥ Tim 和其他的經理會表現 ⑦ 執行公司2011既定的 ⑧
我 ⑨ 並且希望能 ⑩ . 同時我的家人和我將會 ⑪ 對於我的隱私的 ⑫
請將答案依題號在意見中回答, (一定要寫名字喔!)
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