6/18 網路功課 Popper's Penguins 波特先生的企鵝
請把下面的句子 英文聽寫出來 (一格一個字)
Dear Lord
Thank you for the we are to .
Please your to the melting of polarized cap.
Could you the ? I'll get it.
I'm not to because I have pet' s .
Penguin Jazz!
I you. I you. I don't in .
Pull . Your is penguins.
I know.
請把整段文章寫在留言中, 要寫名子
6/18 網路功課(2) 藍色小精靈 The Smarfs
聽寫並完成下面句子 (一格一個字)
Prepare 1 for 2 3 , 4 5 , because 6 7 8 world 9 about 10 11 12 13 in 14 .
將完整句子寫在意見留言中 , 要寫你的名字
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