
2014-11-1 S15網路功課 「智慧型手機:了解智慧型手機消費者」- The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Consumers

There's a mobile movement going on. The rise of smartphones is creating smarter consumers; creating more opportunities for smarter marketing. Smartphones are always on, always with us and always connected. In one week, we've browsed the internet, used a search engine, watched a video and connected with our friends: all on our smartphones. But that's info you might already know. Here's some you might not.
We're using smartphones almost everywhere, even while consuming other media. Smartphones have become such an important part of our lives that many of us would give up high heels, cable TV, even chocolate, just to keep using them.
They're becoming important to our shopping habits too. Smartphones have become the ultimate shopping companion, transforming us into more savvy consumers.Seventy-nine percent use a smartphone to help with shopping. In fact, seventy percent of us actually use our smartphone while in the store. We use it to find retailers, compare prices, get coupons, read reviews and check to see if something's in stock, which leads us to buy. Nearly three-quarters of shoppers made a purchase as a direct result of the info we got from our smartphones: either in store, online, or on our phone. Our new mobile shopping habits are adding up to big spending across the board.
And where do we do most of our shopping? Usually in our own backyards! In fact, finding local information is one of the most popular smartphone activities. We're using our phones to find everything from the nearest pizza place, to movie showtimes, to finding the nearest store that carries the item we're looking for. And eighty-eight percent of us use that local information and take action within a day, whether to call or visit a local business.



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