
At the end 和 in the end 一樣嗎?

At the end ,  In the end
如果你不是真的了解這兩個字的意思,你一定覺的唸起來都一樣. 好像都很順.其實並不一樣
at the end  後面要加 of 表示xxx的結尾, 或時間點的尾聲

(1)at the end of the street(路的盡頭)
(2)at the end of the story(故事的結尾)
(3)at the end of the year(年末)

a. The teacher assign homework at the end of the lesson. 
b. I’m going on holiday at the end of the year
c. What can you find at the end of the road?

 "in the end"是個副詞片語,可以等於 finally(最後;最終),
a. They waited for an hour and, in the end, they went without her.
b. I missed my bus in the morning, so I took the MRT for instead in the end.



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