
7/31 網路功課 The Sorcerer' s Apprentice 魔法師的學徒

這一部參考了我最愛的迪士尼" 幻想曲" 所拍攝的電影. 請仔細觀看下面的影片並把我要的句子寫出英文  Good Luck!

1. 你被選中成為阻止他們的人

請在意見中留下你的英文句子, 一定要留姓名


7/17 網路功課 For Rent in China: White People 白人出租

看完這篇報導,可以告訴我,做為出租白人的三個條件是什麼?(紅字部份)  請寫在"框框"中. 記的寫名字 一定要按"提交"

摘錄自Beijing, China (CNN) -- In China, white people can be rented.(在中國,白人也以用租的)

For a day, a weekend, a week, up to even a month or two, Chinese companies are willing to pay high prices for fair-faced foreigners to join them as fake employees or business partners.

可能租一天,一星期, 或幾個月. 中國公司願意花大錢來租一些外國人做為公司的假合夥人或假職員

And it is, essentially, all about the age-old Chinese concept of face. To have a few foreigners hanging around means a company has prestige, money and the increasingly crucial connections -- real or not -- to businesses abroad.

在中國, 只要公司有一些外國人,就可以讓人覺的這家公司是國際性的, 或是和國外有貿易關係

 "Because Western countries are so developed, people think they are more well off, so people think that if a company can hire foreigners, it must have a lot of money and have very important connections overseas. So when they really want to impress someone, they may roll out a foreigner."
Or rent one.

一般人眼中, 西方國家是先進的,是有錢的.所以只要請的起外國人的公司, 一定是賺很多錢, 或是和國外有密切關係. 所以當一家公司想要給別人這種跨國企業的感覺, 公司就會去聘一位, 甚至去租一個外國人

Last year, Jonathan Zatkin, an American actor who lives in Beijing, posed as the vice president of an Italian jewelry company that had, allegedly, been in a partnership with a Chinese jewelry chain for a decade.

去年一個在北京的美國演員,就被一個珠寶公司租去在旗艦店開幕時, 假扮是珠寶店義大利的合伙人, 並發表開幕演說(當然講稿是由珠寶公司事先寫好)

They have not told me what my name is today. I think it is Lawrence or something

在演說前, 男演員甚至不知道今天所扮演的角色叫什麼名字

--Beijing actor pretending to be a New York architect


The requirements for these jobs are simple. 1. Be white. 2. Do not speak any Chinese. 3. Pretend like you just got off of an airplane yesterday.
這種工作只需要三個條件: 1.

"Occasionally companies want a foreign face to go to meetings and conferences or to go to dinners and lunches and smile at the clients and shake people's hands," read an ad posted by a company called Rent A Laowai (老外) on the online classified site thebeijinger.com.

有時後一些公司需要外國人參加一些研討會或餐會,主要工作是面帶微笑,  和客戶握手.你在網路上就可以找到這種徵人廣告" 租老外"

 Sometimes companies will hire Caucasians simply to sit in the office a few hours a day near the window where clients and customers can see them.

有些公司租外國人,只是為了要讓這些外國人坐在公司靠窗的位置上, 好讓客戶看到公司有雇外國人

 "It is part of what China is all about, you know," Mohieddeen said. "There is quite an elaborate fantasy world going on here where if everyone buys into it, it does not matter if it is the truth. "

這些外國人認為" 這就是中國的一部份,奇妙的世界, 只要有市場,管它是真的還是假的"


7/10 網路功課 - 可愛的小水獺

有去動物園看過水獺吧 ? Otter . 這兩隻可愛的 Otters 受到大家的歡迎. 請問下面影片中, 觀看的人說了些什麼? 每人至少寫兩句. 請在留言中直接寫,記得一定要寫你是誰


7/3 網路功課

請寫出與 Love 有關的詞彙 或片語 並以他造一個句子

For example:

puppy love.

造句: Teenagers think they know about love. Actually, it is just puppy love.

記得, 寫完後一定要 按 "Submit": 星期五晚上11點結束本功課的提交. 請把握時間. (每天我會在留言公布已提交的名單)

Let's Talk About Love

要問別人有沒有戀愛對像, 要說 Are you seeing anyone right now?
千萬別解釋成你有沒有看到某人, - -lll.

年輕時的純純之愛 叫 " Puppy Love"

相親 叫 " A Blind Date"

劈腿 叫 " A Two-timer "

你不是我的菜 " You are not my type. " or " You are not my cup of tea"

考考你們 "You had me from hello" 是什麼意思?
答案就在歌詞影片中. 答對可得 1 point ! 請留言. ( facebook 或 部落格都可以留)