
2014-11-1 S15網路功課 「智慧型手機:了解智慧型手機消費者」- The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Consumers

There's a mobile movement going on. The rise of smartphones is creating smarter consumers; creating more opportunities for smarter marketing. Smartphones are always on, always with us and always connected. In one week, we've browsed the internet, used a search engine, watched a video and connected with our friends: all on our smartphones. But that's info you might already know. Here's some you might not.
We're using smartphones almost everywhere, even while consuming other media. Smartphones have become such an important part of our lives that many of us would give up high heels, cable TV, even chocolate, just to keep using them.
They're becoming important to our shopping habits too. Smartphones have become the ultimate shopping companion, transforming us into more savvy consumers.Seventy-nine percent use a smartphone to help with shopping. In fact, seventy percent of us actually use our smartphone while in the store. We use it to find retailers, compare prices, get coupons, read reviews and check to see if something's in stock, which leads us to buy. Nearly three-quarters of shoppers made a purchase as a direct result of the info we got from our smartphones: either in store, online, or on our phone. Our new mobile shopping habits are adding up to big spending across the board.
And where do we do most of our shopping? Usually in our own backyards! In fact, finding local information is one of the most popular smartphone activities. We're using our phones to find everything from the nearest pizza place, to movie showtimes, to finding the nearest store that carries the item we're looking for. And eighty-eight percent of us use that local information and take action within a day, whether to call or visit a local business.


2014-10-25 網路功課 Food Revolution Day

Imagine if you lived in a world, where more people died from diet related illness than any war, than any homicide or murders, or even drugs, alcohol and smoking combined,or where diabetes was the fastest growing cause of death in the world. Imagine if you lived in a world where diet related disease caused over two hundred billion in Health Care; in a world where food producers could get away with putting fillers and additives into your food without even telling you to make more money; with government's hands were tied, because of the power of large corporations, and with forty-three million children were obese, where they could be fed junk food everyday of their school life, and when they left school, they couldn't even identify basic fruit and vegetables. Imagine that!
Surely, it's time to get real. Some people think so, because if you care, they have to care. The Los Angeles Unified School District removes flavored milk from six hundred and fifty thousand kids' school meals every day.
Fresh milk today! Happy day!
Both the USA and the UK legislate for higher nutritional standards for school food.McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell and more companies every day remove "pink slime" from their beef products.
美國和英國都制定法律讓學校食物有更高的營養標準。麥當勞、漢堡王、Taco bell和更多公司每天都把「粉紅肉渣」從他們的牛肉產品中移除掉。
"The solution is..." "There isn't no easy solution." "It took us fifty years to get Christmas." "And it's going to take us some time to get out of it."Food Revolution Day!"
Oh, I haven't got all the solutions, but if we all do it a little bit, then we can definitely make a difference. And you know what? You're probably gonna have a really good time doing it too. So get stuck in! Go on! You can do it!
So this is how it works: you go to an event, or even host one yourself, where you can pass your knowledge onto your friends, family or community.
"But if everyone works together...""businesses and schools," "governments,""parents" "and kids," "then nothing would stop us."
If we all vote with our cash for real food, then the food industry would have to change. If we've got food education back into schools and communities, imagine that.
"High five!" "May 19th."
Let's take a stand, get involved on May the 19th. Be a part of the Global Food Revolution Day.
"Let's stand up for real food!" "Food Revolution Day!"


At the end 和 in the end 一樣嗎?

At the end ,  In the end
如果你不是真的了解這兩個字的意思,你一定覺的唸起來都一樣. 好像都很順.其實並不一樣
at the end  後面要加 of 表示xxx的結尾, 或時間點的尾聲

(1)at the end of the street(路的盡頭)
(2)at the end of the story(故事的結尾)
(3)at the end of the year(年末)

a. The teacher assign homework at the end of the lesson. 
b. I’m going on holiday at the end of the year
c. What can you find at the end of the road?

 "in the end"是個副詞片語,可以等於 finally(最後;最終),
a. They waited for an hour and, in the end, they went without her.
b. I missed my bus in the morning, so I took the MRT for instead in the end.


食安問題 Food Safety Issues

當食安問題已經延燒成大家都中標, 並且把一個濃純香的品牌毀成過街老鼠般, 人人喊打.
無良的商人, 真的已把大家的憤怒激到頂點.


其中最重要的是豬油, LARD 要學起來, 不要用oil

1. food safety issues 食安問題
2.boycott products 抵制產品
3.backing off from ..退出
The company is pondering backing off from its reinvestment businesses.
4.lard products 豬油產品
The food oil factory was found to have used recycled waste oil in its lard products. 食用油工廠被發現使用回收費油於豬油產品.
5. tainted oil scare 毒油恐懼
He had first issued an apology regarding the tainted oil scare.
6. boycott movement against 抵制行動
As local consumers herald the boycott movement against Wei Chuan's products, the company is facing an unprecedented challenge. 當消費者宣告抵制味全的產品, 味全公司遭遇史無前例的挑戰 
7.a listed company 上市公司
It is a listed company. 那是一間上市公司
8. should be held accountable for their actions是指某人「該為某事負責任」的意思
The guilty parties should be held accountable for their actions犯罪的一方應為他們的行為負責
9. should take the blame 被究責
Wei (), who served as the president of the company , should take the blame. 