
8/28 拉不拉多和海豚 ( Labrador swims with Dolphins )

這是在愛爾蘭的一個 小島上的Hotel 養的Labrador 拉不拉多狗,和海灣中的Dolphins 海豚深厚的友誼. 請觀賞影片,並回答下列問題:

問題 (寫在意見中)
2. 記者看到共游的景像說 Absolutely ???
3. 記者說這隻狗是 a incredible ???
4.記者在最後一直叫那隻拉不拉多什麼? Good ???


8/21 網路功課 Rango <飆風雷哥>

2011年才要上映的3D 電影 <飆風雷哥> 講述一隻寵物蟋蜴(Lizard)在 Mojavi Desert (美國加州南部的莫哈維大沙漠)的故事.
請觀賞暴笑的畫面,並找出我要的英文句子. 寫出後一定要按提交.提交成功的同學,我會公布姓名.Enjoy and Good Luck!
提示 想辦法藏起來- Try to blend in.   冷靜: Calm down,   留下來: last 

請回答問題 <這部是帶有墨西哥口音,要連聽帶猜>

8/14 網路功課"甘肅大雨"

這是一篇摘錄自兒童版時代雜誌的報導,請閱讀後在"意見"中回答下面問題, 記的要寫名字.

August 11, 2010

Tragedy Strikes China   悲劇攏照著中國

The country experiences its worst flooding in a decade   

這個國家正遭受10 年內最遭的洪水

By Jared T. Miller

Rescue workers in northwestern China continue to search for survivors after massive landslides swept through the region on August 8. Heavy rains and flash flooding from the weekend triggered muddy landslides that engulfed villages and roads. More than 1,100 people have been killed in the disaster, and at least 627 people are still missing, local officials say. About 45,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes.

 Floodwaters have killed more than 2,000 people across the country in the past month and caused tens of billions of dollars in damage. More heavy rain and landslides are expected to hit the region this week.

The northwestern parts of the country have been hit particularly hard by the flooding. In rural areas in the Gansu province, drenching storms caused the Bailong River to overflow. The landslides that resulted turned the streets of nearby towns to mud, overturned cars and caused houses to collapse.

1. Heavy rains and flash flooding 是指什麼?
2. muddy landslides that engulfed villages and roads.是指什麼?
3. 在這之場災難中有多少人死亡?多少人失蹤?多少人遭撤離家鄉?
4. More heavy rain and landslides are expected to hit the region this week 指什麼?
5. What are expected to hit the region this week?
6. Which part are hit particularly hard by the flooding?